‘Official’ Prayer for Holy Family Academy VZC
Gracious Father, as you poured out your Holy Spirit upon the Apostles of your Son, send the same Spirit of wisdom, understanding, knowledge, and courage upon everyone dedicated in seeking and sharing the truth through the Holy Family Academy of Van Zandt County.
As the Apostles went out into the world teaching the Word of God, so may the Holy Family Academy community teach faith, hope, and love by guiding our children in the Divine Will of God.
May the Wisdom of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit be with the Academy through prayer, volunteers, and financial support. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen
There are lots of ways to pray. Be creative!
A quick prayerful thought every day at noon time.
A smile and words of encouragement to parents shopping at Walmart.
Sacrifice a bit of your self by giving extra help or time to your kids.
A husband-wife prayer together before retiring at night.
Words of prayer by family members before the evening meal.
Pray the Rosary on Mondays, or every day.
Remember the 10-year old Jesus growing up in ancient Nazareth. Ask Mary & Joseph to pray for you, your family. and the school.
Attend Mass and receive Holy Communion on Fridays.
Prayerfully study one verse from the New Testament every day.
Pray one of the Psalms, or part of a Psalm, as a family during the week.
And the list goes on….and on…
Come up with whatever prayer works for you, but no matter how you pray, take to heart the first line of Luke, Chapter 18,
“Then Jesus told them a parable about their need to pray always and not to lose heart.”
The Holy Family Academy VZC community thanks you for your prayerful commitment to the school.