“Let the little children come to me; do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the Kingdom of God belongs.” (Mark 10:14)
Holy Family Academy is an INDEPENDENT Catholic school. We DO NOT receive any financial support from the Catholic Church.
We are funded totally by student tuition and the generosity of people like you.
Zeffy online donations are quick & easy to use and there is no cost to Holy Family Academy. Zeffy is a 100% free fundraising software for nonprofits. Trusted by over 25000 nonprofit organizations across North America.
All donations & gifts are tax deductible. We are a qualified 501(c)3 charity.
Holy Family Academy is the only Catholic school in Van Zandt County Texas and is open to families of all faith traditions.
We also offer the Our Sunday Visitor (OSV) service to manage online giving. You can donate by bank draft or credit card, either a one-time donation or a recurring donation on a weekly, biweekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly basis. However, the OSV service requires setting up a donor account, and OSV charges our school a fee for each transaction. To access the OSV service, go to: osvhub.com/holyfamilyvzc/giving/funds/building-renovation-and-startup. Of course, you can always mail a check to us at PO Box 1344, Canton, TX 75103 at any time. Please help and thank you for any and all donations.